We has spent a great time with amaze staff, serious games experts and startup teams at DE:HIVE Center for Games at the University of Applied Sciences and spent spooky nights at Berlinđź‘» The workshop was filled with different topics, knowledge, stories from teams and fun but the most important thing for us was to meet, share, learn from each other and to grow together.

As part of the pilot project “Baltic Sea game Incubation”, supported by Interreg, the european regional development fund, we has been invited to incubation workshop “BRIDGING THE GAP”. The aim of the workshop is to support incubator teams from the field of serious game development to establish long-term funding and to accompany you in the step towards long-term company funding.

The workshop took place at the DE:HIVE Center for Games at the University of Applied Sciences.
Prof. Thomas Bremer, head of the Game Design program at the University of Applied Science Berlin, and an international gathering of coaches and experts addressed our individual questions, concerns and wishes when it comes to strengthening our business in the long term.
Thanks staff at De:Hive Friedrich Schadow, Mai Huyen Vo Dieu, Jules Pommier who supported us during the workshop. Thanks Suvi Kiviniemi for connected us.